Happy New Year from EdwardsGoldEyes

Eclipse and Eclipse Pictures

The new home of EdwardsGoldEyes

Welcome to the blog of one of Stardoll's prestigious Twilight clubs - EdwardsGoldEyes, run by me, ScofieldBurrows.
Stardoll is simply to restrictive to allow the club to reach it's full potential. I expanded onto a website, but due to too many technical difficulties to count I was forced to abandon this and set up a fabulous blog instead, and here we are.
Do make sure you click the 'Follow' button to your right, to keep up to date on all the best gossip from the club and the world of Twilight itself.
Visit the Gallery to see Twilighty pictures from the fans, and do feel free to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions or contributions.

edwardsgoldeyesblog.blogspot.com - the new home of club EdwardsGoldEyes.

Yours unconditionally and irrevocably,